Pimax 5K / 8K
Video formats and resolutions will depend entirely on your computer and its video card. Newer video cards should be capable of a 2300p playback resolution. Some stuttering may occur when using the Pimax 8K.
- Setup your Pimax HMD and install the Pi Tool.
- Navigate to SteamVR.
Please note that the instructions inside SteamVR will include both Whirligig and the SwallowBay.com web player.
Pimax Tutorials on YouTube:
Pimax has released a full set of video tutorials on YouTube. Please see these videos for any instructions that you may need. They can be found from user Sweviver.
Part 1 – Getting Started
Part 2 – PiTool Settings Introduction
Part 3 – Extension Cables
Part 4 – Using a Laptop
Part 5 – Comfort and the Headstrap
Part 6 – PiTool Game Launcher
Part 7 – Troubleshooting